J W Farr & Co of New York
In my recent chocolate's run (Tm :-) I picked this little 3/8 dado plane, stamped J.W. Farr & Co New York. A dado plane is similar to a Rabbet plane but characterized by the addition of a depth stop and a nicker ahead of the main cutter, which is normally skew since we are cutting cross grain First time I ran into this planemaker, so looked him up and this is what little I found about him. We know from his indenture papers , when he was 16, he apprentices for 4 years, 5 months and 13 days under Emos Baldwin (in business 1817-29, became A & E Baldwin 1830-41) J.W Farr was in business from 1832-51 J.W. Farr & Co, no date given but presumably post 1851 He was one of the many NY plane makers that were trained by the Baldwins. In those days, numerous wannabee planemakers were trained by either Balwin or Chapin, who were two of the biggest wooden planemakers of their days. After their apprenticeship were completed, many left the immediate area and went to established ...