Some saw I"ll say!
That little American Boy Scroll Saw I got the other day, got me intrigued. I marveled at its simplicity and effectiveness, and wanted to know more about it... after I was done playing with it :-) For boys from 8 to 80, luckily I still fit :-) It was too much fun, hence the historical details were sketchy in my last post. Since then, a lady friend of mine dropped in and noticed my kitchen table covered in antique tools. She had that look that meant: Heather hasn't been around for a while, I see... Oups, busted, better pick up and clean up :-) So I did... Once my tools were banished to the woodshop downstairs, I found time between here (clean up(s), there was apparently more areas than I knew that needed to be done :-) and there (Rudy) for more research into that little guy. And then there were more chocolate runs (Tm) :-) Must keep table cleared.... (repeat to myself) This is what I found... When you have a Patent No it is always an easy way to get lots of details: inventor, town, c...