Hands versus power tools...
This subject has probably been "Debated' since the advent of the first powered tool... It often centered on speed & efficiency (power) versus reliability & Slow speed (by hands). To me it always been a mute point, since I uses both in my work and way of thinking. As much as I love my handplanes, my idea of fun is not to flatten a wide thick board by hand, unless I have to, because it won't fit in the planer :-) Similarly, I will never relinquish my table saw and Bandsaw, these two, do a lot of the rough dimensioning (no jigs required :-) But are hand tools really inefficient vis a vis their modern powered counterparts? Only a side by side comparison will tell... Part of my landscaping projects is to erect a trellis structure for the vines growing up a tree right now... Can you see it? Look way up for the light green patch Need something fast, so we went scavenging around our properties to see what we got (resulting in a few more projects for later) and came up ...