
Showing posts from August, 2017

And so it was,...

...That on this glorious 72nd day of June, I finished my chair in the month of June build extravaganza hosted on line by Brian Eve, currently in Spain.  72nd  of June??? Well yes, let see... June 10th (day one) I realized that I had something suitable for such an entry! Translation:  I banged my toes one too many times  on this pile of @@#$#&%*%chair... By June 12th (second day of work on it), I started to wonder how much fun I was going to have at glue time... That is one complete split. A previous one was glued slightly offset in thickness. There is a lot of tension in that chair, and it is obviously a manufactured one, done mostly with machines, no attention given to swelling and compression, like a good chair maker would had. After a few years with the heat of a wood fireplace, in the winters, it shrank and fall apart every Spring literally.  That would be normal with lots of antique chairs BTW. The devil is in the details, which were mostly ignore...

Happenings and more progress on the Honey Do list(s)

Its been a while since I updated, but lots have been happening slowly but surely... Life is too short, so no point rushing it... :-) So far we have transplanted 32 trees and bushes around my property. These includes all the existing trees that we moved and the new ones we bought. End of July we stopped transplanting, and we only worked in the morning after breakfast or in the evening after supper to avoid the heat stress, both on the plants and ourselves :-) Part of these was to establish a fruit orchard: Some we bought Some we moved... from my land... Some from her land. Cleared some of the vegetation... and established a small fruit orchard. 3 kinds of Apples, 2 kind of Plums and 2 kind of Pears. To come next year Peach trees... Some tree saplings growing on my land were moved  to establish more privacy down the road. These are Silver Birch. Talking of Silver Birch, we have one growing in the back of the house, near the deck giving us shade, privacy and a place to hang bird feede...