The Keystone Railroad tool grinder
A Railroad tool...grinder you ask? Well yes, they make a handy sized hand crank grinder for using 6 inch stones. But lets back up a bit... Once in a while I scour my local KIJIJI for tools, cause you never know what can comes up sometimes! Missed on a few good deal on some rarely seen tools, but for the most part, I have been happy with what I found. This one came up in my regular hand tools search in Nova Scotia: The infamous Railroad tool grinder. An Elephant in a China shop?? Decent looking, as far as I could tell from the pics, but would have to be seen in person, since we are paying cash, so if nothing serious, it's a good price. Well worth asking price. Here is another, broken handle, worse paint loses etc, for US $100 I'e seen them all day long on Ebay around US $70-90 range, and of course sometimes ridiculous asking prices... Here are the photos from the original poster's ad, the one I got As they are mostly found, it is missing the tool holder, only a part of it (t...