
Showing posts from June, 2018

And the trees came down...

Since the tractor was up, the next thing was to transplant two bushes that were in the way of the future greenhouse Look, I still fit in to my old Airforce work dress, and no belt required :-) Done. Yard clean up, ready to make a mess... Next up to plate was cutting down some trees. Some diseased, some in the way, some barely alive. This operation should had taken me a week at least, but thankfully I had help. Today we had Jean's brother Dennis over for the day to cut down some trees around our property. We had a few in mind but for now, the priority are the ones in the way of my fencing and the new deck. The first to come down was that poor tortuous white birch by the old deck Then if we had time, the plan was to cut down a couple trees that are either sick or in pretty sad shape. At the rate he was cutting and bucking, it took no time at all to get it all done... It only took him a few hours, I always enjoy watching experience at work. Where is my I.C. helmet ? :-) I think I need...

Rust removal

A constant battle in our wet/dry climate, and if you are into vintage tools, you know you are gonna have to address it somehow. As I often said before, when I consider a vintage lump of rust, my first question to myself is always: Can I restore this tool to be a working tool again? I also tend to treat my tool with the respect they deserved for I am only their temporary caretaker. All that to say I tend to approach rust removal like anything else I do to the tools, only as necessary. Years ago I discovered Electrolysis as a rust removal process. It works great but has a couple drawback.  It is messy, potentially dangerous (Hydrogen gas released can cause an explosion) I tried other chemicals solution, Naval jelly, white vinegar and etc, but I long settled on Evaporust. It’s non toxic and kind to my septic tank (yes, I live in the country side, town sewer and water does not come to my street). It is also reusable, but of course unless you strained it each time, it can get messy, dir...

Yard work

I was not planning to do it this week end, but got a call from my friend Dave, Saturday morning, to let me know that he was on his way with his tractor.  Some of my friends still works so, you just have to work around whatever opportunity. When they say, they are coming with their tractor, you just don't turned them down. So we got to do some earth works in a few spots. First up was to flatten an area on the side hill in prevision for a greenhouse to be installed at a later date. Was suppose to be this year hence why I previously mentioned it to him, but instead I'm paying the taxman Grrrr... The top of that hill need to be flattened before I can install a greenhouse on it This is Big John brother to my smaller John Deere. And yes they also comes much bigger Heck of a lot faster than by hands for sure... :-) Any soil left over got used to back fill a depression in the back of my lot. Flat enough for a future Greenhouse, I can work with that. Depression filled. Left over soil wi...

Pondering away....

Ah, the life of a retiree... It finally looks like Mother nature made up her mind and summer is finally here. And with that comes lots of yard work and less clothing changes for Rudy thru the days, good thing he wears layered clothing. Set up our hammock in a different spot this year.  We put it up were I had my “exploding chair” last year.  Works great, good location, good coverage from the sun..... My last year exploding chair, All the pent up stress was released in one loud crack...!!! As the sun was making its way west,  I also set up an umbrella to gave us more shade coverage. Here in amazing techno colour (colour, cause it's Canadian, Heh!) is the view around our hammock, rotating counter clockwise. Rudy wondering what are these two up to now?? But apparently after 5 years in the sun the fabric of the hammock has somewhat been weakened.... We were both enjoying a refreshment inside, when suddenly, it gave out under us....Oups! The umbrella went down first then ...