
Showing posts from September, 2016

The Collector versus User debate

...In my head... Full disclosure, I am a bit of both. And depending on who you asks, they will tell you I am one or the other, rarely both... Go figure :-) This is one area that we did not touch much on our Why do we collect tool's discussion. Both are in a bit of a competition for the same finite pool of antique tools. Both blames each others for the raising prices Both wants what is best for the tool, to preserve it Both do not approach restoration the same way or to the same extant So, who is better? Both is the simplest answer, you cannot really compares an apple to an orange... In the end, regardless of what I do to my tools, I am but only the current custodian of it, for it will end up in someone else hands later on. I do not do the shiny nickel & buff everything to blindness state and etc. Whenever I have to do repairs, I do not try to hide them, Id rather see them apparent, but functional. Cut off damaged area Typical repairs I do on plane's tote or saw handle's...

On Rat Patrol...

Ever since I discovered some rodent's nest under my car hood, and was told that it happened a lot with retirees... What? Well yeah, our cars don't move as much as they used to... So ever since I have got Rudy on Rat Patrol duties, we called it. Cue music from a TV series of my youth  Fitting knowing that Rudy's breed was bred as a ship's ratter. Meant to get at the rats in small places. So on a daily and semi regular routine, I take Rudy on rat patrol around the car and try to move it more often. Is it working?? I don't know but it is keeping me busy, so that's good :-) That is about as far as I let him into the "forest" along side the garage How to see deeper into the thick forest Corner of parking space, check! OK, car is cleared on that side Dad! The other side is cleared at this time, I repeat clear at this time, over That "over" is an old Army joke about the Arty guys...  If you say "over " on an Army net... You are asking for ...

The amazing North Bros No 1545 hand drill

As far as hand drills goes, this one hit all the right boxes. Size comparison From L-R Millers Falls No 12, North Bros No 1545, Millers Falls No 5 As picked by Rudy in the line up :-) It is sized like a breast drill and accept different handles, either a large bulbous wooden hollow top (like the one I found) or a metal arc shaped breast plate. Very solid attachment. But good luck trying to find  a replacement handle... Side handle attached Side handle removed, often found missing It used the double gears pinions to offset side loading and remain smooth and true under pressure, but where its funkiness really outshines them all its with the amazing little 5 positions slider selector switch. YANKEE No 1545 North Bros Mfg Co Phila PA USA Pat. Nov 2 97- Jul 28 08 Nov 02 09- Aug 23 10 PLAIN LH RATCHET RH RH DOUBLE LOCK It the first position : PLAIN it works like any regular hand drill, you spin CW so does the chuck, spin CCW and the chuck does the same In the second position : LH RATCHET...

It's good to be back home

The Bob and Rudy travelling circus is back home after a 3 weeks trip thru New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario, seeing family and friends. The primary reason for this trip was to attend Heather's life celebration that was organized by her former club; the Ottawa African Violet Society, and was attended by a good cross section of our mutual friends... Some I  have not seen since we left Ottawa in 2006. Heartfelt thanks to all who participated, and hopefully you got to know my Heather a little bit more, who she was and what we accomplished together.  I would never be half the man I am today without her. For every successful man there is a great woman standing behind her man. In preparation for this long trip I have been training Rudy to traveled in the car. He wear a body harness and he is attached securely to the seat belt connector. Doing so turns off the Air bag on the passenger seat. He has enough room to turn in circle on his seat without being tangled up, thanks to the swivel...