On Rat Patrol...

Ever since I discovered some rodent's nest under my car hood, and was told that it happened a lot with retirees... What? Well yeah, our cars don't move as much as they used to...

So ever since I have got Rudy on Rat Patrol duties, we called it.
Cue music from a TV series of my youth 

Fitting knowing that Rudy's breed was bred as a ship's ratter. Meant to get at the rats in small places. So on a daily and semi regular routine, I take Rudy on rat patrol around the car and try to move it more often. Is it working?? I don't know but it is keeping me busy, so that's good :-)

That is about as far as I let him into the "forest" along side the garage

How to see deeper into the thick forest

Corner of parking space, check!

OK, car is cleared on that side Dad!

The other side is cleared at this time, I repeat clear at this time, over
That "over" is an old Army joke about the Arty guys... 
If you say "over " on an Army net... You are asking for it :-)

OK cleared on this side, moving on

Sniff, Sniff, OK no devices found, all clear!

So there you have it I can report to you that after having driven my car over 2600 Kms in the last few weeks and alternating parking spots, quite literally from here to Hamilton :-) That YES, the daily Rat Patrol seems to be working, or so does Rudy think since he gets a treat after each successful missions. Which to him translate into : OK we are back in, I'll take my treat NOW!

By alternating his rounds we are keeping those $#@^%*(^$# Rodents guessing when will the big bad doggy be coming back???

So far it seems to keep both the dog and its owner moving...


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