A tale of two Nor Easter winter storms

Around here in the Annapolis valley of Nova Scotia, we haven't seen much of a winter yet. Barely any snow on the ground and when we did had some, it was gone within a few days.
Mind you we do live in a sheltered valley with prime agricultural lands. There is a good reason the Airbase is located here in the valley...

The scene around here on this past Saturday, Mar 3rd.
I was supposed to do a snow shoes marathon, 5kms, but since there was no snow, we walked it...

The Big Chill, in support of the Lawrencetown Education Center
The only official snow shoe marathon of its kind in North America.

There is also a 10, 15 and 30 kms if you are so inclined...
Talking of incline, the first 1.2Kms or so are up an old ski hill.
Its a heart breaking hill, brings back memories :-) 

And about 50 mins later I was done.
It would had been a tad longer on snowshoes...trust me :-)

A good warm up exercise, but I have no intentions of doing more than 5Kms...
I am old enough, no need to rush it...it will come soon enough... :-)

Yap, was supposed to be on snowshoes but...darn!

My 5 Kms loop, good enough for me.

By the way, you can still help me raise money by donating on line on my fund me page.
Most of my contributions have been in cash so far.
The funds raised from the Big Chill sponsorship (donations) goes toward the LEC

After that my girlfriend decided that we should go walking around. So we went to Clairmont Provincial park, mere minutes from our place. Took Rudy along for the walk
These scenes were on Tuesday the 6th of Mar, still no snow in the forest

This tree is sporting numerous mushrooms all along its trunk.

A dead strand of white birch

Guess who came to diner...

Some woodpeckers been munching there for a while.

Then before long it was time to go back.
Rudy just spotted the white dog being walked across the field

Yes, it has been so warm so long the plants life is being tricked...
These are in my gardens

So this was typical of January and February...
This Thursday all the way thru Sunday, we were supposed to be hammered by three different Nor Easters storms, the last one being made of two joining forces...

Did what any Canadians would had done faced with such a possibility... Got stocked up on storm chips (potatoes crisp for my British friends ) and beers, bring it on!
Well, so far we seems to have avoid most of them, will this be the one...???

Thursday 8 Mar, 0715 AM
1015AM, that is starting to look like a storm

It seems to have spun around us, we got the eye passing over us, not much in accumulation...

By 1630 it was long done and starting to melt already

Still thicker for Rudy in places...

So Rudy took the easy path, following tires rut :-)

Oh well, wait for it, another two are combining to give us more taste of winter...
Will this be it..?? Well, if you live up in New Brunswick or Newfoundland then you sure got whammed (as usual),  but here, not so much. Oh I saw a few cars in the ditch , going too fast as usual.
But we also had school bus going off road, never a good thing, but everyone was safe

Near Halifax county, not in the Valley

The scene this morning Sat 10 Mar 0709 AM

More snow overnite, lost power a few times, just long enough to screw up
all the digital clocks in the house it would seems, more than once, sigh!

That poor tree in the backyard is sure bowing under the wet snow load

Talk about reaction wood if you were to cut into it!!!

Blocking the steps, almost touching the BBQ

By noon it was sprung up again. That is about as straight as this poor tree ever gets.

Without asking some nice neighbour plow me out.
That was a nice surprise, thank you 

Meanwhile, the seeds are started in the basement, and after some death defying contortions, that would had given OSHA inspectors and tool collectors alike, heart attacks, the boring till is up on its cleats on the wall. Next would be to finish cutting my tool holders.

Seeds are started, we control, heat, humidity, and light

The boring till got hung on the wall and no one or tool got hurt in the process.

and the storms? Pretty well done for now...

Until the next one...

But don't let my pics fool you, some parts of Nova Scotia got hammered pretty hard, including New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island...
After all that what do I think of this winter??

Bob, who is running low on storm chips and beer, need to get out...


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